In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a process of fertilization where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body in a culture dish and this culture dish we are keeping in incubator in controlled conditions. This is series of procedure-
First we r giving medicines to woman to grow multiple follicles this is called as controlled ovarian stimulation
then we are collecting this follicles with help of transvaginal ultrasound this procedure is called as Oocyte retrieval. Doctors are collecting oocytes in tubes and these tubes are given to embryologist who is screening oocytes under microscope.
these oocytes then mixed with husband sperm is called as conventional IVF insemination.
these oocytes then we r keeping in incubator and checked for fertilization next day.
these oocytes then checked on D3, at this stage embryo is 6 to 8 cell stage and D5, at this stage embryo becomes blastocyst. According to embryo quality and endometrium thickness our doctor will decide at what day embryo should transferred to the uterus or patient is willing for frozen embryo transfer we can freeze embryos.
Indication for IVF
Tubal disease
Male infertility
Cervical factor/ immunological infertility
Hormonal disturbances
Unexplained/ idiopathic
Fertility preservation
Preimplantation genetic testing
Altruistic surrogacy